WhatsApp is testing a new security feature designed to help you take control of your privacy by blocking unwanted messages from unknown accounts. This feature automatically filters out messages from suspicious contacts, enhancing your protection against spam and phishing attempts.

Here’s How It Works:

With this new feature, WhatsApp will automatically block messages from unknown accounts if they exceed a certain volume, offering better protection against spammers. This option, now available to select beta testers, can be found in your app’s privacy settings under the Advanced section.

According to WABetaInfo, WhatsApp’s latest beta update for Android (version includes this feature, making it easier than ever to manage your conversations. The system doesn’t block all unknown messages—it only targets those sending an unusually high number of messages in a short time. This smart filtering keeps important messages accessible while reducing the impact of spam.

As the feature tracks message rates, it will automatically lift the block once messaging behavior returns to normal, ensuring that only suspicious activity is curbed.

Coming Soon to More Users:

Currently, the feature is being tested with a limited number of users, but a wider rollout is expected in the coming weeks. If you’re tired of spam messages cluttering your WhatsApp, keep an eye out for this new update!